What is zero depth insurance? Know how to get benefit in case of car accident

Zero Depth Insurance:  Zero Depth Insurance is a type of motor insurance policy in which if there is any damage to your car, then you are paid the full cost of that damage, without deducting any depreciation. In this policy, the insurance company covers the entire cost of repairing your vehicle, so that you do not have to pay any extra amount.

Benefits of Zero Depth Insurance:

Complete coverage is available: The insurance company bears the entire cost of repair of all the parts of your car, such as bumper, tyres, plastic, fibre etc.

No depreciation: In a normal insurance policy, the value of the car parts decreases as they are used, which is called depreciation. But this does not happen in a zero depth policy.

Financial security: Even after a car accident, you do not have to face any major financial loss, because the company pays the entire repair cost.

How to get benefit at the time of accident:

If your car meets with an accident and you have zero depth insurance, then you get the entire cost of repairing your car reimbursed on claim.

For example, if your car’s bumper and headlights are damaged, the entire cost of their repair or replacement will be borne by the insurance company. You will not have to pay any kind of depreciation charges, making your expenses very low or zero.

This policy is especially useful for new cars, as their parts depreciate faster, and this policy protects you from that loss.


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