What is Teflon Flu? People who use non-stick utensils should be careful

In today’s time, the use of non-stick utensils for cooking has increased a lot. The special thing about these utensils is that food gets cooked well in less oil. But it also has some side effects. According to recent news, more than 250 people in America fell ill due to the smoke emitted by the use of non-stick utensils and had to be admitted to the hospital. This disease is being called Teflon Flu.

What is Teflon? 

Teflon is a synthetic chemical that contains carbon and fluorine and is called polytetrafluoroethylene. The surface of non-stick utensils is prepared from this. Due to which the food does not stick or burn in these utensils. 

How does Teflon flu occur?

Teflon flu is caused by exposure to fumes emitted by the polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) chemical coating on non-stick utensils. When these utensils are heated at high temperatures, the fumes emitted by PTFE enter the body through the breath and cause flu-like symptoms.

Teflon flu symptoms

Sore throat
Muscle pain

Which people are more at risk

People who regularly cook in non-stick utensils are at a higher risk of Teflon flu. Children have a weak immune system, so they are more susceptible to this disease. Apart from this, asthma patients already have breathing problems, so Teflon flu can be more dangerous for them.

Tips to prevent Teflon flu

Use stainless steel or cast iron utensils as much as possible. Never heat non-stick utensils on gas for too long. If the utensil starts burning, immediately reduce the flame or remove the utensil from the gas. When cooking, take care of ventilation in the kitchen to avoid smoke. If you are smelling smoke while cooking, use a mask.

Disclaimer: Dear reader, thank you for reading this news. This news has been written only to make you aware. We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing this. If you read anything related to your health anywhere, then definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.

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