what are the effects of daily sex on body?

Effect of everyday sex: Sex is a natural and intimate aspect of any relationship. But have you ever thought about the effect it can have on your body if you have sex every day? Based on many study reports related to this, it can be said that sexual activities affect you not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. There is little talk about the effect of frequent sexual activity or sex on the body.

Experts say that there are many benefits of having sex every day, including improvement in heart health, reduction in stress, etc. This increases intimacy with the partner, which can strengthen the relationship. It can be seen as an exercise that has mental, physical and psychological effects. However, it is also important to be aware of its possible drawbacks.

When it comes to the benefits of having sex every day, gynecologist and Indian coordinator of Postpartum Support International PSI USA Dr. Archana Nirula says that daily sex improves heart rate and blood flow. This keeps the heart healthy. A study published in the American Journal of Cardiology found that there is a link between frequent sex and a lower risk of heart disease.

Sexual activity produces immunoglobulins necessary to fight infection in the body, which improves your immune system. Endorphins are also released during sex, which acts as a pain killer. It can reduce pain caused by migraine and arthritis.

Dr. Archana Nirula said that regular sexual activity can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which is beneficial for women. Regular sex improves blood flow and hormonal balance. This increases vaginal lubrication and elasticity, the benefits of which are seen after menopause. Such women are less bothered by problems related to menopause.

But couples should also know about its drawbacks. For example, daily sex can tire your body more and increase physical stress. Especially for those who are already suffering from some health condition. If you do not take care of cleanliness, then it can increase the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Effect of daily sex on mental and emotional health:  
According to Dr. Archana Nirula, sexual activity releases oxytocin and endorphins, which reduce stress and make you feel happy. Regular sex can improve mood and hormones like serotonin and dopamine can reduce depression and stress. However, Dr. Archana also said that intercourse every day can increase performance pressure, which can turn into anxiety. This can have a negative effect on mental health.

Hormonal changes due to daily sexual activity 
Regular sexual activity also causes some hormonal changes in the body. For example, it releases oxytocin hormone in the body, which is a love hormone. This increases the bonding between partners. During sexual activity, endorphin hormone is released, which reduces pain. Apart from this, the release of testosterone hormone increases energy level and libido.

Regular sexual activity also increases estrogen and progesterone, which are essential for hormonal balance in women. This helps in maintaining good period health and mood.

Effect on relationship with partner: 
Daily sex can increase intimacy and emotional connection between partners. This can make their relationship deeper and stronger. During this, the communication between them increases their understanding.

But it is important to keep in mind that if this is becoming a part of the daily routine, then the excitement may disappear. After some time, it is possible that the partner may not show interest. In such a situation, if one partner does not show sexual desire, then there can be tension between the two.

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