These 5 foods increase bad cholesterol in no time, 8 out of 10 people consuming daily

Cholesterol is a fat in the blood. It is essential for your body, but too much cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease. There are two types of cholesterol: good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). Accumulation of bad cholesterol in the blood vessels can lead to heart attack and stroke.

In such a situation, it is important to keep your cholesterol under control for prevention. For this, pay attention to what you eat in your diet. Because some foods are responsible for increasing bad cholesterol in the body very rapidly. These are such foods which most people are consuming unknowingly every day. Here you can know about 5 foods that increase LDL cholesterol.

Processed foods

Trans Fats Apart from raising LDL cholesterol, these synthetic fats are responsible for lowering ‘good’ HDL cholesterol. Fried foods, processed foods and extensively baked items contain high amounts of trans fats. 

Dairy Products

Saturated fats, found mainly in animal products and some plant oils, are responsible for increasing LDL cholesterol levels. These mainly include red meat, full-cream dairy products and coconut oil.

Egg yolk

Eggs are considered beneficial for health because they are rich in nutrients like protein. But if you are eating more than 2 egg yolks every day, then it can increase LDL cholesterol in your body.

Refined cooking oil

Refined cooking oil used for cooking can also affect cholesterol. So avoid oils rich in saturated and trans fats and choose options like olive oil and avocado oil to keep cholesterol levels balanced.

Processed Sugar

A diet rich in sugar and processed carbohydrates can increase LDL cholesterol levels. These not only increase cholesterol-triglycerides but also increase inflammation, which increases risk factors for heart disease.

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