The world’s highest waterfall is under the sea! AI pictures will blow your mind

Do you know that the world’s largest waterfall is not on land, but under water? Yes, the world’s largest waterfall is actually underwater, located in the Denmark Strait between Iceland and Greenland. This waterfall is known as Denmark Strait overflow.

It is so rare that scientists have not been able to take any photo of it yet. We asked Artificial Intelligence to create pictures of the world’s largest underwater waterfall. You also see what glimpse AI showed.

The world’s largest waterfall is underwater. More than three kilometers high, this waterfall is three times higher than Angel Falls. Every second, more than three million cubic meters of cold, dense water gushes out of this strait. This image was created by Microsoft’s AI.

This waterfall is located in the Denmark Strait between Iceland and Greenland. It is also known as the Denmark Strait Cataract. This waterfall plays an important role in the thermohaline circulation of the Atlantic. This circulation affects the climate of our entire planet.
Underwater waterfalls may seem paradoxical. After all, how can water fall from any height if it is surrounded by water? But there is a ‘waterfall effect’, which is produced by the movement of dense, sediment-laden water that descends into deeper areas. However, our eye will not be able to see underwater waterfalls, because the water looks the same. This picture has also been created by Microsoft’s AI.
One of the most famous ‘underwater’ waterfalls is in Mauritius. When sea currents push coastal sand off the edge of the island, it falls into the gorge below. What appears to be an underwater waterfall is actually sand sinking into the deep water, descending to the bottom of the ocean. You could call it an optical illusion, but it’s still breathtaking!
Beyond the Denmark Strait Cataract, Angel Falls in Venezuela’s Canaima National Park stands nowhere. Angel Falls is the world’s tallest uninterrupted waterfall, reaching a height of 979 metres (3,212 feet) and a depth of 807 metres (2,648 feet).

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