Side effects of eating mushrooms

Many people like to eat mushrooms. Mushrooms are rich in nutrients and contain vitamin B, D, potassium, copper and iron. There are many varieties of mushrooms available in the market, many of which can be harmful.

According to nutritionists, people who have certain problems should avoid eating mushrooms. Many people may also have side effects by eating mushrooms.

People who often have upset stomach should avoid eating mushrooms as it can increase the problem and may lead to problems like stomach ache, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.

There are numerous benefits of eating mushrooms, but people who have skin problems should avoid this superfood. You may get skin rashes, skin irritation and allergies from it. For people who often feel tired, excessive consumption of mushrooms can prove to be harmful, some people may feel lack of energy. Therefore, they should avoid it.

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