Monthly horoscope for August for all 12 zodiac signs

The month of August will begin with Pradosh Vrat. This month, along with many big festivals like Nag Panchami, Raksha Bandhan, Bhadrapada month and Krishna Janmashtami, transits like the Sun entering its own zodiac sign Leo and Mercury entering Cancer from Leo due to retrograde motion will be seen. Know from Astrologer Pandit Shashi Shekhar Tripathi how this change of planets will affect people of all zodiac signs. Read the monthly horoscope of all 12 zodiac signs.


In the beginning of the month, you will be very cautious about profits, while the change of planets can inspire you to participate in social activities. Some small tasks can be the cause of your trouble, all these tasks have to be completed while staying away from worry. You should focus on investments, if you are planning to invest for a long time, then start this month. Planning will be better for official work, if you make a list of whatever work you have to do, then you will be able to complete it quickly with less effort. Keep in mind that this time there should be no dispute with higher officials about anything, the combination of planets is going to increase knowledge along with energy. Time is good for people associated with singing and writing art. Those who sell electronic goods will get good profits, while new customers can increase your financial graph. Do not hurry in making new partnerships. The youth should stay in the company of seniors, definitely give gifts to Guru and teachers. There will be concern about the health of the father, if he is ill for a long time, then special care should be taken of him. Take care of the cleanliness of your teeth; also, people who consume drugs need to be alert towards serious diseases.


Taurus people may feel more workload this month. Responsibilities can also make you feel burdened. If such a situation persists, anger will increase. Avoid taking on more work than required and responsibility of others. Going on an outing to feel light will give you mental strength. It is advisable to be a little cautious in matters related to investments, avoid investing the entire savings. Time is good for people associated with the engineering field, there is also a possibility of getting promotion. Work in coordination with the team, remember to avoid anger in case of work not being done, otherwise it can cause mutual discord. You may get new work related to the work you have completed. Traders related to iron can get help from the government in some form or the other. After the 17th, attention should be paid to improving relations with big customers and traders. At this time, they may be angry with you about something. The youth will have to showcase their art, it is time to become extrovert. Spend time with your mother, if she needs anything, bring it for her. There is a possibility of getting some good news from your family. Pregnant women should take special care of their health.


This month will be suitable for religious trips. Small religious trips to nearby areas can be planned. This time the mind seems to be moving towards luxury, you can spend unnecessarily on shopping and showing off. Those looking for a job should take advantage of contacts, they can help you in some way or the other. You can be a victim of official conspiracy, so you have to be alert while keeping an eye on it. The business running in partnership with elder brother will grow, follow his guidance and if you are going to do a deal, then definitely take him along. Traders selling luxury items will get good profits. Youngsters will spend more time in friendship, along with this, meeting old friends will make the mind happy. If the children are of marriageable age, then there is a possibility of getting a good match for them. Make strong security arrangements at home, there is a possibility of loss or theft of big things. There is a possibility of fatigue and bone pain due to low calcium level. Start its treatment soon on the advice of the doctor. If there is pain, burning sensation and excessive watering in the eyes, then definitely get your eyes tested once.


Cancerians may feel a bit lonely at the beginning of the month. Give importance to your favourite work. The boss is keeping an eye on the work, so avoid being careless. The pressure in work seems to be reducing a bit, if you have to go on a tour to learn something from the company, then do not let this opportunity go. By the end of the month, there may be tension between colleagues, which the higher officials will not like at all. The business class should insist on clearing the old stock, they may have to suffer a big loss in the coming time. Traders selling vehicles should resort to publicity to attract customers. The youth should not worry about the future right now, they should live in the present and focus on hard work right now. You will have to keep in touch with others and keep in touch with them on the phone, at this time any kind of emptiness in the mind can give rise to anxiety, so keep sharing your thoughts with your loved ones. Those who have problems of headache and migraine will have to remain alert, especially keep taking head massages etc. till the 15th. Women should be alert of sharp objects while working in the kitchen.


Leos will be seen to like comfort this month. Their entire mind will be spent on how to avoid work. The list of expenses can be long by the middle of the month. People associated with the job are likely to get good offers, while on the other hand, there is also a possibility of getting promotion in the job. People associated with management will have to behave normally with everyone, subordinates can create problems due to discrimination. Businessmen will be able to compensate for whatever loss they were facing till now. The economic graph seems to be rising. It is advisable to invest in business very wisely. Youth will get good opportunities. Those looking for government jobs are also likely to get good news. You will play a key role in solving family problems, if you are the eldest among the members then guide everyone. If you are thinking of selling or buying a new land or house, then the situation is in your favor, a good deal can be made. Cervical patients will have to include yoga and exercise in their daily routine, otherwise it can cause problems.


This month is the time to revise old tasks. Keep rechecking all your work, whether at home or outside. You should not be careless in court related matters, it is advisable to keep an eye on every small thing. Maintain cordial relations with colleagues. If you complete your work with concentration, then you will definitely get success in it. If the responsibility of important data of the office is in your hands, then do not discuss it with anyone. If the businessman who had given goods to someone on a large loan, then this time there is a hope of getting money from them. Changes will have to be made in the ancestral business, you can plan to start a new branch or add something new to the business. The youth will get the support of friends, on the other hand some people will also come with the expectation of help from you, support them according to your ability. Students studying in groups will be able to perform better. Spend time with your spouse, understand their feelings. You may get a chance to go to a big event. Be alert about urine infection, take special care of cleanliness. 

This month, give importance to such work which will benefit you in some way or the other. In the middle of the month, you may have to make a list of many tasks related to financial matters. In the office, first of all, give importance to those tasks which are likely to continue for a long time. Those working on a big project need to pay more attention to it. Those whose promotion was stuck due to some reasons, there is a possibility of getting it in the beginning of the month. Big businessmen should focus only on expanding their network at the present time. If you are planning to travel related to a deal, then you should stop this month. The movement of planets is trying to cause you loss. Time is good for retail traders, small profits will bring you happiness. The youth should not be overconfident, it is possible that at this time you feel that everything is under your control, but the current position of the planets can spoil the result by taking you away from hard work. Keep your sisters happy. This month is Raksha Bandhan as well, so you can get their blessings by giving them a desired gift. Be alert about old diseases.
At present, Scorpio people are advised to maintain coordination with their colleagues. Your frustration over small things can cause problems for the other person. You should focus on such tasks which give you a chance to learn something. It may be that you find it boring or you do not see any benefit in it, but the position of the planets at present is going to increase knowledge, undoubtedly you will get great benefits from it in the future. Hotel restaurant businessmen should take advantage of the time and focus on updating their place. Those starting a new business can get a loan. Taking advantage of the month of Sawan, especially girls should offer water to Lord Shiva. People waiting for marriage are likely to get good relationships. Situations related to studies are going on normally, you have to maintain focus on your work. There is a possibility of discord with your spouse, while his weight may also increase. The less you think to stay away from diseases, the less deterioration in health can be seen.
This month you should give priority to only competitive tasks. Whether it is at home or office, you will have to complete challenging tasks. You may have to run around. The faster you finish all the tasks in the beginning of August, the better it will be because gradually your mind will be seen moving towards laziness. If you are not interested in official work, then do not think of changing it at all. The planetary positions can make you sad with unnecessary things and create a feeling of leaving the job. Those looking for jobs abroad should keep filling applications, there is a possibility of getting good news. The time is good for businessmen but stay away from disputes or else the already built business will be spoiled. A businessman associated with the field of real estate can get the work of building a banquet hall in a big hotel, if such a possibility arises then it should be given priority. If the youth have to prepare for the competition, then this is the right time. Start preparing based on your talent. Cleanliness of the house or make new changes. Be alert about the health of the members as well. Heart patients are advised to remain alert; they will have to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet.
This month the pressure of others on you will reduce a bit, and your own people will also support you. After the 15th, you may see more speed in your work, you will have to make the support you are getting from your boss your strength. Control your speech, the intensity of the planets can spoil your relationships, in such a situation, it will be appropriate to use restrained speech. You will have to keep your mind focused on work, you may get bored due to getting the result late. Businessmen should focus on investment, and if there is a rift in the partnership, then you will have to be patient. You may get a proposal for a new business in the middle of the month. To increase your luck, the youth should worship Hanuman ji. You should focus on studies, you should set the right time now, whoever works hard on studies at this time will be successful. You should pay attention to the behavior of your child, he is likely to get angry more this month. Advise your elder child to drive carefully. To avoid stomach irritation and acidity, drink water in the morning and eat light food at night.
This month, Aquarius people will have to avoid light-hearted conversations and excessive jokes. On one hand, the responsibility of the family may fall on your shoulders, while on the other hand, a long list of work-related trips is also going to be made. The mind is also going to be excited to go on trips. If you are planning to launch a new project, then the coming month is going to be auspicious for you. Energy towards official work will not let you feel tired. Whether it is partnership or business related to women, this time the main role of women will be in taking the business forward. The youth should pay more attention to their physical fitness at this time. After the 15th, you will get the company of father and teachers. Any auspicious work can be completed at home. Those who were planning to do puja etc. for a long time, they must do it this month, Rudrabhishek will be beneficial for you. Be cautious about bone-related diseases and parents should keep a close eye on small children of this zodiac as they may get hurt by falling.
In the month of August, you should not take decisions on someone’s advice, you may get into trouble in the future by being hasty and getting attracted to others. At present, the change of many planets is not good for financial matters. In such a situation, it is advisable to save the capital. There is a conjunction of the energy-rich Mars with your lord, in such a situation, you will have to bring energy to work with knowledge. You will have a good relationship with colleagues, if you work in teamwork and keep exchanging knowledge with each other, it will be even better. Businessmen associated with communication should take care of the needs of customers at this time, if this is not done then they may have to suffer more losses in the coming time. Businessmen associated with land and houses are advised to take steps carefully in matters of legal proceedings. The youth should stay in the company of someone who increases their knowledge, they should watch or listen to some such content every day. The month seems normal regarding family matters, enjoy with your loved ones. You will have to drive vehicles etc. carefully, high speed can cause injury.



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