Mercury transit 2024: Huge profits in job and business to happen, read who all will rule

Mercury’s entry into Leo: Every planet has its own importance in astrology. Mercury is considered to be the giver of intelligence, wisdom and knowledge. Those people in whose horoscope Mercury is in auspicious position, they get all the comforts and luxuries in life. At the same time, they also get immense success in job, business and career. But those people in whose horoscope the position of Mercury is weak, they have to face many problems in life.

Mercury, the king of planets, changes from one zodiac sign to another at a fixed time. Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. The effect of Mercury’s movement is seen differently on the lives of people of all zodiac signs. During this time, this transit is going to be full of negative effects for some zodiac signs. At the same time, people of some zodiac signs will get auspicious results at this time.

According to Vedic astrology, Mercury is currently in Cancer and on July 19, it has moved from Cancer to Leo and will remain in this sign till August 5. After this, Mercury will leave Leo and enter Virgo on August 22.

People of these zodiac signs will get special benefits 


According to astrology, Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini. In such a situation, people of many zodiac signs will get special benefits due to Mercury’s entry into Leo. People of this zodiac sign will get success in business due to the transit of Mercury. Also, they will get success in every task on the basis of their intelligence. 

Cancer zodiac sign 

Let us tell you that Mercury has transited into Cancer on 19th July. During this time, people of these zodiac signs are going to get special benefits. People of these zodiac signs will get success in business. In such a situation, there are chances of profit from investment. 

Virgo sun sign 

According to astrology, the transit of Mercury is going to be auspicious for the people of Virgo zodiac sign. Business people will benefit during this period. This time is favorable for expanding the business.


Let us tell you that the transit of Mercury is no less than a boon for Librans. During this time, you will get success in the field of career and business. Not only this, you will benefit from investments at this time.

Scorpio Horoscope 

According to astrology, people of Scorpio zodiac sign will get success in their career at this time. At the same time, there are chances of promotion for employed people. By August 5, people of this zodiac sign are getting tremendous opportunities in business. 

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