Lunar eclipse in September, know the effects and precautions to be taken

Next Lunar Eclipse 2024: A total of 4 eclipses are to take place in the year 2024, out of which 2 eclipses have already taken place and 2 are yet to take place. Talking about lunar eclipse, the first lunar eclipse has already taken place on 25 March 2024 and the second lunar eclipse is going to take place on 18 September 2024.

After this, the last solar eclipse of the year will take place on 2 October 2024. According to astronomy, when the Moon, Sun and Earth come in a straight line, then the sunlight falls on the Earth but does not fall on the Moon. This phenomenon is called lunar eclipse.

When will the second lunar eclipse be visible in India? 

The second lunar eclipse of the year will take place on September 18. According to Indian time, the lunar eclipse will start at 06:12 am and will end at 10:17 am. The total duration of this eclipse will be 4 hours and 29 minutes.

Sutak Kaal Timing in India 

The second and last lunar eclipse of the year will not be visible in India. Therefore, the Sutak period of this lunar eclipse will also not be valid. This will be a total lunar eclipse. This lunar eclipse will be visible only in limited areas of Europe, most parts of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica. 

Keep these things in mind during lunar eclipse 

In Hindu religion and astrology, eclipse of the Sun or Moon is not considered auspicious. Because negative energy increases during the eclipse. Therefore, to avoid the ill effects of the eclipse, it is important to keep some things in mind during the eclipse. Know what things are important to keep in mind during lunar eclipse and solar eclipse. 

– Food should not be consumed during the eclipse. During this time food and water become poisonous. Also, put basil leaves in food, water, milk etc. before the eclipse. 

– Do not bring negative thoughts in your mind during the Sutak period of the eclipse. It would be better to spend this time in worshiping God. 

– During the eclipse, do not touch the idol of God nor do any worship. Rather, close the doors of the temple before the eclipse. 

– During the eclipse, you should not do things like cutting nails, cutting hair, etc. Nor use sharp objects. 

– Pregnant women should not go out during eclipse. This can harm the mother and the unborn child. 

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