Kim Jong Un hanged 30 of his officers, know why

North Korea: North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is considered one of the most ruthless rulers in the world, who does not hesitate to kill anyone. In this episode, Kim Jong has hanged 30 of his senior officers (30 Officers Hanged). Their only fault was that they could not save the citizens from the terrible flood.

Actually, the floods proved to be devastating in North Korea. Many parts of Chagang Province were devastated, in which more than 4000 people died. After such a big tragedy, Kim Jong Un himself inspected the flood affected areas.

However, media reports claimed that more than 15,400 people, including children, elderly and disabled soldiers, were rescued from the flood and taken to a safe place. Supreme Leader Kim Jong said that it will take up to 3 months for the flood affected areas to become normal again. Emergency was declared in many states of North Korea.

According to Chosun TV report, officials said that those responsible for the deaths will be severely punished. Central News Agency KCNA reported that Kim Jong has asked to punish all those people who were not able to fulfill their responsibilities properly in this disaster. Last month also 20-30 prominent people of the party were killed. Kang Bong Hoon, the dismissed party secretary of Chagang province, has also been arrested.

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