How fast papaya leaves increase platelets? Dengue patients should use them in this way

As the rainy season approaches, the risk of dengue also increases. It is a dangerous disease that spreads rapidly and can be fatal. The biggest concern in dengue is the lack of platelets (blood platelets). But don’t panic! Nature has given us a wonderful gift – papaya leaves.

Yes, papaya leaves not only enhance the taste of your food, but also work as a panacea in the treatment of dengue. Let us know in detail how papaya leaves can be beneficial for us.

1. Increases platelets
Papaya leaves contain an enzyme called ‘papain’ which increases the production of platelets. Due to the decrease in platelets in dengue, the body becomes weak, in such a situation, the consumption of papaya leaves is very beneficial.

2. Strengthens immunity
Papaya leaves contain many nutrients like vitamins A, C and E, which strengthen the immune system. In dengue, the body’s immunity becomes weak, which increases the risk of infection.

3. Reduces fever
Papaya leaves have anti-pyretic properties which help in reducing fever. High fever is common in dengue, in such a situation, consumption of papaya leaves is helpful in reducing fever.

4. Reduces pain
Papaya leaves have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce body pain and inflammation. Body aches and joint pains are common symptoms of dengue, in such a situation, consuming papaya leaves can provide relief from pain.

How fast do papaya leaves increase platelets?
How fast papaya leaves work depends on the patient suffering from it. However, a study has shown that papaya leaves can rapidly increase platelet count in less than 24 hours of consumption.

How to consume papaya leaves

1. Papaya leaf juice
The easiest and most effective way to drink papaya leaves is by making its juice. Wash 2-3 papaya leaves thoroughly and grind them in a mixer. Add some water and lemon or honey as per taste and drink it twice a day.

2. Papaya leaf tea
You can also make tea from papaya leaves. For this, boil 2-3 leaves and filter it and drink it twice a day.

Keep in mind that
pregnant women and lactating women should not consume papaya leaves. Apart from this, if you have any allergy or other health problem then consult a doctor before consuming papaya leaves.

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