Green tea not only rejuvenates the body but also can serve as a blessing to your brain health. A study in the past has demonstrated that drinking green tea constantly can decrease the likelihood of acquiring brain diseases. It can protect one from fatal diseases like Alzheimer’s and also aid in fortifying mental health.
Research suggests that green tea is quite effective in boosting brain health and preventing brain diseases. As per specialists, if you have a habit of drinking three cups of green tea in a day, then your brain is likely to be healthy and risks of having life threatening diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia will be minimized.
Key Constituents of Green Tea
Green tea is composed of various constituents including antioxidants and flavonoids which promotes brain health. These compounds also assist in eliminating free radicals which are harmful to brain cells and therefore aid in boosting brain functionality. Experts conclude that catechin, a subclass of antioxidant in green tea is known to enhance brain activities and lower the chances of having neurological disorders.
Lowers the chances of getting Alzheimer’s and dementia
A cup of green tea daily can be an effective and organic approach to avert the development of Alzheimer’s and dementia. It has been noted that a considerable number of tea drinkers can reduce the chances of such illnesses by 25 to 30 percent. Such changes, on the other hand, assist in the delay of the brain’s aging process by sharpening mental awareness and memory.
Assists in managing anxiety and depression
It is also necessary to mention – another significant advantage is the mental stress alleviation caused by green tea which in turn protects individuals from mental disorders such as depression. Furthermore, research shows that green tea enhances blood circulation in the brain, making it easier to deliver necessary sustenance and oxygen needed to preserve brain function.