Foul odor in urine of diabetic patients can be a sign of these diseases

Diabetic patients need to take special care of their health. Sugar can be controlled by making small changes in food and lifestyle. However, when the sugar level increases, it starts affecting many parts of the body. Therefore, regular sugar checkup is necessary. Also, if there is a strange smell in the urine, then it can be a sign of many other diseases.

In diabetes, the sugar level in the body increases. When there is a lack of insulin in the body or the insulin does not work properly, the level of glucose in the blood increases. The body tries to excrete this excess sugar through urine. This is the reason why the urine of diabetic patients sometimes smells strange. Apart from this, diabetic patients are also at a higher risk of urinary tract infection (UTI), which is another reason for foul smell from urine.

In case of UTI, urine may have a strong smell. Along with this, there may be a problem of burning sensation while urinating and frequent urination.

This is a serious condition that occurs when too many ketones are produced in the body. This problem is caused by uncontrolled diabetes and can also cause urine to smell.

If there is a lack of water in the body, the color of urine can become dark and it can also smell bad. Diabetic patients are at a higher risk of dehydration.

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