Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked in his Bandra house, his stomach was stabbed during what appears to be a robbery at his place. Rescuers situated Ali Khan to Lilavati hospital where he is being treated. The actor indeed experienced extensive injuries during this attack. Attack took place at around 2 PM on Thursday night and following that Lunatic has been trending on social media.
Fans, the media, and Delhi police all can be seen in the video that is currently going viral. And while he was live tweeting his investigation, Daya Nayak, an officer with the Delhi police, recieved a text in which he was asked to appear outside the house of the actor. This video had been posted on Bhayani’s Instagram account that also said He was wearing a yellow t shirt and a pair of jeans, but at that moment he was just a regular guy waiting to collect his thoughts before going to work on finding the actor.
Whereas, an officer met us outside and asked us questions regarding the case and reassured us that the problem will be dealt with. The case is under investigation by Nayak. He was standing next to Saif Khan’s mother, who was wearing a bright red juba dress at the time.
The first claim of Saif’s crew had come from the clinic with respect to Saif wherein he mentioned that he had been assaulted and that during this assault injury was inflicted unto him, which resulted him to be in the hospital. He has now asked his support system to keep calm.
As promised, a health update was shared and made public
In one of the recent statements that were shared by Saif’s team it was reported that: Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan were the victims of an attempted robbery last night. It was reported that Saif suffered a few lacerations which required him to seek medical attention. Luckily the rest of the family members did not sustain any injury. As of now, a separate brigade of doctors is said to be attending to Saif and the reports suggest that a few of the wounds are serious, with two on the back and the torso and they have impacted his spine. As of now, he is still being treated.
The rest of the house is safe
To give a broader perspective to the trend, an unknown male allegedly barged into the house of Saif Ali Khan and had an altercation with him during which he suffered an injury or so the police said. Now that is a mystery in itself! The only logical explanation seems to be that Saif is undergoing treatment and the police is looking into the issue and the Mumbai Police and Crime Branch detectives are at Saif’s Bandra residence.
At the moment of the event, his spouse, Kareena Kapoor, along with their kids Taimur and Jeh, were present in the house. The silver lining, however, is that everyone else remains unharmed.
Who is officer Daya Nayak encounter specialist?
Daya Nayak serves as an encounter specialist of Maharashtra police and has been in the police service since 1995. His initial station was in Juhu police station. While on duty during the new year’s eve of the 31st, he was tipped off about two henchmen of the Chhota Rajan gang roaming around. Daya attempted to take them into custody, but they gave him some gun fire. To defend himself, he shot Daya dead. This was his first battle. Between 1999 to 2003 Daya extinguished the Chhota Rajan gang and has fought in more than 87 battles to this day. He a year ago also had the Baba Siddiqui murder case’s investigation in his hands.