Does your smartphone really listen to your secret conversations?

Often news used to come from somewhere that our smartphone listens to our secret conversations. But no concrete proof was given about this. But now proof has been found. A marketing firm told that there is such software in the smartphone that listens to the users. The clients of this firm are Google and Facebook, and this firm has accepted that they use the phone’s microphone to collect information. That is, if you talk to your wife about a new air conditioner, then the phone listens and starts showing you AC advertisements.

We think that you must have googled about this. But it is not so, according to the report of 404 Media, not only what you search, but also what you say near the phone shows you advertisements.

What is this software?

According to a report, Cox Media Group, a big name in television and radio news, told investors that it has a technology that uses AI to detect user intentions. This technology collects real-time data by listening to and analyzing user conversations. The company also said that with this technology, advertisers can use user behavior data and conversation data together. This allows advertisers to target users who are thinking of buying something. This is a very powerful tool for targeted advertising.

According to the report, the company also said that this technology can collect data on users’ “conversions and online behavior”. It also said that the AI-powered software collects and analyzes “behavior and voice data” from more than 470 locations.

Meta and Amazon took strict steps

A lot of questions are being raised by the recently leaked information. Since Meta and Amazon are associated with this marketing firm, both have taken the matter into their own hands. The leaked information has revealed that this agency may have collected and used users’ data without their knowledge. Because of this, Meta is investigating the terms and conditions of this agency.

On the other hand, Amazon said that they have no role in the data privacy issue of this marketing agency and they will not work with this agency. They have also warned that if they come to know that any of their partners has violated their rules, they will take immediate legal action, it is clear that Amazon wants to keep the data of users safe and wants to follow their rules.

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