If you also take medicine with tea or coffee then read this

Millions of people start their day with a cup of coffee and tea. Studies show that coffee acts as a laxative, which helps to clear the stomach. However, those who take tea and coffee along with medicines need to be careful.

Tea and coffee usually contain five alkaloids including caffeine, nicotine, theobromine which react with medicines and reduce its effect. Also, it also hinders its absorption. In such a situation, here we are telling you about 5 such medicines, which you should avoid taking with tea and coffee-


The elements present in coffee and tea can reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics. This can increase the risk of infection.


Taking some painkillers, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, with tea or coffee can increase the risk of stomach irritation and ulcers.

Thyroid Medications 

Taking hypothyroidism medicines with coffee reduces its effect. According to health experts, coffee reduces the absorption of thyroid medicine by more than half.

Asthma medications

Asthma medicine should not be taken with tea or coffee. Caffeine contains a bronchodilator which reduces the effect of these medicines. It can also cause headache, restlessness, stomach pain and irritability.

Diabetes medication

Taking diabetes medicine with caffeine can cause side effects. This is due to the milk and sugar added in coffee and tea, which increases blood sugar rapidly and reduces the effect of the medicine.

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