Cyber ​​Crime: PDF came on WhatsApp and money vanished from bank account, be careful

New Delhi. People are getting a lot of benefit from the development of technology through the internet. But it also has another aspect, which is making people victims of fraud. Yes, cyber criminals are coming up with new ways every day to cheat people. Cyber ​​​​criminals now trap people in their trap in such a dangerous way that by the time people understand, it is too late. Let us tell you what is the new method of cyber crime and how to avoid it?

A new method of cybercrime

Cybercriminals are using the social media platform WhatsApp to cheat people. Cybercriminals send PDFs to people on WhatsApp, after which as soon as the person clicks on it to open the PDF, their mobile or device gets hacked. After this, all the money is withdrawn from people’s bank accounts. On the other hand, people are not very aware of this type of crime, which is why cyber criminals easily trap people in their net.

PDF received on WhatsApp will make you bankrupt

Let us tell you that in such cases, cyber criminals first send a PDF to someone on WhatsApp from an unknown mobile number. After this, cyber criminals force that person to open the PDF by giving some kind of temptation through call or message. In such a situation, as soon as the person clicks on the PDF, his phone or device gets hacked.

Cyber ​​​​criminals put a special kind of malware in PDF and send it on WhatsApp. Many times PDFs contain phishing links, in such a situation, as soon as the person opens the PDF, he reaches another page or website. In such a situation, all the information present in the person’s phone reaches the fraudster. After this, cyber criminals easily empty people’s bank accounts.

keep yourself safe like this

To avoid such cyber crime, do not click on any link, message or PDF received from any unknown number on WhatsApp.

If someone sends any kind of link, message or PDF on WhatsApp from an unknown number and tempts you with some offer or reward, then be careful. This could be a trap.

If you find anything suspicious in the message, link or PDF received on WhatsApp, then block that number without delay and also report it, so that WhatsApp bans that number forever.

Do not share important information like banking details, OTP, PIN, password etc. with any unknown person on WhatsApp.

If you ever become a victim of any kind of cyber crime, immediately lodge a complaint on helpline number 1930 and give details about the crime.

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