China’s interference in Ladakh will now reduce

India and China held ‘constructive’ diplomatic talks on Wednesday to resolve the long-standing border standoff along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh. The talks took place in Delhi under the framework of the Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on India-China Border Affairs (WMCC).

What did the Foreign Ministry say

The Ministry of External Affairs said that both sides reviewed the current situation on the Line of Actual Control with the aim of finding an early solution to the pending issues. The Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement, “Restoration of peace and stability and respect for the LAC are the essential basis for the restoration of normalcy in bilateral relations.” 

Talk on peace and stability

“The two sides agreed on the need to jointly maintain peace and stability on the ground in the border areas in accordance with relevant bilateral agreements, protocols and understandings between the governments,” the statement said.

Constructive and visionary discussions

The ministry said, “The discussions in the meeting were in-depth, constructive and visionary. Both sides agreed to maintain dialogue through established diplomatic and military channels.”

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