Health & Lifestyle

5 green leaves are no less effective than statins for LDL cholesterol

If the level of bad cholesterol in the body has increased, then it is a warning of heart disease. Cholesterol is a kind of sticky wax-like fat, which is present in the blood vessels. In such a situation, when its quantity starts increasing, the blood circulation in the body starts deteriorating. Due to this, the heart has to work very …

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What is Teflon Flu? People who use non-stick utensils should be careful

In today’s time, the use of non-stick utensils for cooking has increased a lot. The special thing about these utensils is that food gets cooked well in less oil. But it also has some side effects. According to recent news, more than 250 people in America fell ill due to the smoke emitted by the use of non-stick utensils and …

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Government to get firm against those selling duplicate helmets

The government is soon preparing to take strict action against such helmet manufacturers and sellers who are manufacturing cheap and fake helmets. Not only this, action will also be taken against such sellers who sell fake helmets because these helmets fail during accidents and do not provide safety. Why are duplicate helmets so dangerous? Weak material: Duplicate helmets are made …

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Running AC in car reduces mileage, know the truth before switching it on

Running AC in the car is a common thing. Most people like to use AC in the car to avoid heat. AC blows cold air and cools the car from inside in a short time. This prevents people from getting bothered by heat and sweat. You also have to pay some price to run AC in the car. Running AC …

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5 ‘Sanskrit villages’ of India, where people talk in language of thousands of years old Vedas!

World’s Oldest Language: Sanskrit is the oldest language in the world. It is also called the language of the gods. Vedas are also written in this language. This thousands of years old language is generally used today only for reciting mantras in worship. But do you know, even today there are 5 villages in India where Sanskrit is used as …

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Do these 5 exercises for delivery without incision

Exercise For Normal Delivery: Yoga and exercise are a great way to stay healthy during pregnancy. With its help, the chances of complications in delivery are also reduced. Regular exercise throughout pregnancy improves general health. These 5 exercises specially designed for delivery can improve stamina, flexibility and strength in the muscles used during delivery. However, it is very important to …

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Side effects of eating mushrooms

Many people like to eat mushrooms. Mushrooms are rich in nutrients and contain vitamin B, D, potassium, copper and iron. There are many varieties of mushrooms available in the market, many of which can be harmful. According to nutritionists, people who have certain problems should avoid eating mushrooms. Many people may also have side effects by eating mushrooms. People who …

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How did Friendship Day start? Take a look at the history

Friendship Day, celebrated every year on the first Sunday of August, has become an important occasion in today’s time. This day of sharing love and affection with friends holds a special place in people’s hearts. But do you know how this day started? Friendship Day started in Paraguay in 1958. Dr. Ramon Artemio Bracho, a philosopher and professor, discussed the …

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Don’t ignore If your bike’s engine starts heating up

If the bike’s engine starts to heat up like a furnace, it could be a sign that there may be some technical problem that should not be ignored. Engine overheating can have a negative impact on the bike’s performance and safety. Here are some possible causes and solutions: Possible problems and solutions Cooling system malfunction: Problem: If the cooling system …

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Top 10 gift ideas to make friends super feel special

Friendship Day 2024: Friendship is a relationship that is thicker than blood. Every year the first Sunday of August is celebrated as Friendship Day i.e. International Friendship Day (friendship day 2024). This year this friendship day is on 4th August. In such a situation, the question must be arising in your mind that what gift should be given to your …

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