Health & Lifestyle

This green leaf is enemy of obesity, it can melt stubborn belly fat

Gotu Kola Herb Benefits for Weight Loss:  Many people are facing increasing weight these days, not only middle-aged people but many young people are also troubled by the accumulation of fat in the stomach and waist. The reason for this is usually our messed up diet and strange lifestyle. Obesity increases the risk of diseases like high blood pressure, heart …

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Can diabetic patients eat stevia instead of sugar or not?

Stevia As Sugar Substitute:  Sugar is like poison for type 2 diabetes patients, if you consume it in excess, the blood sugar level will increase suddenly. Diabetic patients use artificial sweeteners available in the market for sweetness, but many researches have proved that this can also deteriorate health. In such a situation, nowadays people are using stevia a lot, but is …

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B12 deficiency may cause cancer in the body

What Happens If Vitamin B12 Is Low: Vitamin B12 deficiency is very dangerous for the body. This vitamin works to repair and function DNA in the body, and to make red blood cells. In such a situation, due to its deficiency, the body is unable to function properly.  Not only this, if B12 deficiency persists for a long time, it can …

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Does eating potatoes in diabetes increase sugar?

Potato is a vegetable that is used in almost every household. This vegetable fits in every kind of dish, from veg to non-veg, breakfast to lunch-dinner and snacks. However the common belief is that diabetic patients should not eat potatoes. Eating it increases the sugar level very fast. A new study has shown that if potatoes are eaten in small …

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Try these remedies to avoid surgery in osteoarthritis

Most people with knee osteoarthritis can control their pain and improve their mobility without surgery, according to Belinda Lawford of the University of Melbourne, Giovanni E Ferreira and Joshua Zadro of the University of Sydney, and Professor Rana Hinman of the University of Melbourne, according to recent guidelines from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare. What is …

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With these 7 minor symptoms, Mpox is turning the body into a skeleton

  Mpox Virus in Hindi: Mpox is a disease caused by the monkeypox virus. It is a viral infection that spreads through contact with infected objects. However, this is not a new disease, its first case was found in Denmark during 1958.  But recently this virus has taken the form of an epidemic. According to media reports, in the last few …

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Do not take dengue lightly! It spreads faster than Mpox

After the WHO warning, people across the country are scared of the Pox. But during this time, the biggest cause of death is viruses like dengue which spread through mosquitoes. Although the dengue virus does not spread from one person to another, but if the mosquito that has bitten the patient bites someone else, then that person can suffer from …

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12% of India’s spices fail the standards in FSSAI’s investigation

New Delhi. About 12 percent of the spices tested in India did not meet the quality and safety standards. This information has come to light when many countries have banned the sale, consumption and import of spices of popular brands like MDH and Everest. Hong Kong had banned the sale of spices of these two brands. After this, Britain also tightened …

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Do you take relationship advice from friends? You are making the biggest mistake

Usually, we all share our relationship problems with friends. But is it right to do so? No marriage is perfect, nor should one try to make it so. A successful marriage is one in which the husband and wife face every problem together. The entry of any third person in the relationship can create distance in the relationship. In such …

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When kids insist on mobile, laptop and TV, what options do parents have?

Mobile Addiction: In today’s digital age, children are rapidly getting addicted to gadgets like mobile, laptop, and TV. These things have become common from school to home, and this is the reason why children are now spending more time in front of the screen, but when children insist on these gadgets, it becomes a challenging task for parents to control it. …

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