Health & Lifestyle

Why it’s important to soak lentils before cooking

Soaked Lentils benefits: Lentils are an important part of Indian food. Be it any season or any occasion, lentils are always present in our plate. But have you ever wondered how important it is to soak lentils before cooking? Often we put lentils to cook directly, but if you soak it and cook it, you can get many healthy benefits. …

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Never eat these 7 things on an empty stomach, dietician advises

Whatever we eat on an empty stomach, it decides how your day is going to go. I mean not in terms of astrology, but in terms of health. If you eat fried and spicy breakfast on an empty stomach in the morning, you will keep burping throughout the day. However, there are some healthy things too, which if eaten on …

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What is zero depth insurance? Know how to get benefit in case of car accident

Zero Depth Insurance:  Zero Depth Insurance is a type of motor insurance policy in which if there is any damage to your car, then you are paid the full cost of that damage, without deducting any depreciation. In this policy, the insurance company covers the entire cost of repairing your vehicle, so that you do not have to pay any extra …

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Natural way to control blood sugar, these 5 yogasanas are more effective than injections and medicines

Yoga For Diabetes: Diabetes can soon take the form of an epidemic. The reason for this is today’s lifestyle. In such a situation, yoga can prove to be an effective solution to control this disease and reduce its symptoms. It has been proved in many studies that doing yoga daily helps in controlling blood sugar. Here we are telling you …

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Why should married men eat dates? Know the best time to consume

Benefits of Dates For Men: Dates are considered very beneficial for health. If you are suffering from anemia or get tired quickly while working, then definitely include dates in your diet. It contains iron and fiber in good quantities. Most health experts say that by eating dates on an empty stomach, the body absorbs the nutrients present in it well.  How …

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These 5 morning mistakes lead to piles of fat on the body

Why i am gaining weight suddenly: Your health depends on how you start your day. Its first effect is seen on body weight. In such a situation, if you are seeing your weight increasing suddenly, then it is a sign that you are starting your day in the wrong way.  Here we are telling you about 5 such mistakes which cause …

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One medicine for 10 diseases like dengue and diabetes, this leaf becomes a life saver

Health Benefits Of Giloy: Ayurveda is considered to be the oldest system of medicine. Many such herbs have been discovered in it, which prove effective in controlling and curing many diseases simultaneously. One such herb is Giloy. It is also known as Guduchi and Amrit.  Guduchi is considered one of the most beneficial herbs in Ayurveda. Due to its medicinal properties, …

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Benefits of Consuming ginger-fennel powder after meals

Many people often suffer from problems like bloating, stomach ache, indigestion and gas etc. This powder of ginger and fennel can relieve you from all stomach problems. Usually you must have been served fennel after meals in hotels and restaurants etc. Fennel improves digestion. According to the National Institute of Health, fennel is a low-calorie food. The vitamin C and …

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Include these things in your daily diet to remove thick glasses

Many people are troubled by the thick glasses on their eyes. Due to which they sometimes become the subject of jokes. Today we are going to tell you about some such things, by consuming which the body will not only stay away from all diseases but the thick glasses on the eyes will also be removed. Eyesight will improve. Eating …

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4 amazing benefits of eating red bananas

Reading about red banana, some people must be surprised. Is there such a banana? Yes, there is a red banana. In India, there is a trend of eating green and yellow bananas, but these days red bananas are also being seen in the market. Although they are mostly produced in Australia, West Indies, Mexico and America, but its cultivation has …

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