Bad Rahu sends you to jail, makes you pretentious and drug addict

In astrology, Rahu is called a sinful planet. If Rahu is inauspicious or bad, it causes a lot of trouble. For a happy life, it is important that Rahu is good both in the house and in the horoscope. Today we know what effect the position of Rahu in the horoscope has on life. 

spoiled lifestyle 

According to astrology, if Rahu is in the first house of the horoscope, then such a person follows his principles only. He does not change himself and fails in this process. The lifestyle of these people is also not good. They stay awake till late night and wake up late in the morning. They become addicts. Addiction to gambling and alcohol ruins their home, career, health, financial condition.
Ambition and greed ruin you. 

Sometimes Rahu makes a person so ambitious that he goes to any extent to fulfill his desires. For this, he is not even afraid of doing wrong or immoral things. In such a situation, he has to suffer jail sentence. In the pursuit of becoming rich quickly by doing illegal work, they end up behind the bars of the jail. 

In some cases, in an attempt to show off, they end up getting into debt. They spend unnecessarily. 

Do these things to avoid the inauspicious effects of Rahu 

If you want to avoid the bad effects of Rahu, then change your habits immediately. These things will not only save you from the ill effects of Rahu, but will also give you happiness, prosperity and progress in life. 

– Sleep on time at night and wake up before sunrise in the morning. Do not do any important work at night. 
– Always take important decisions during the day. It would be better if you take them in the first half of the day. 
– Learn new things, adopt new thinking and make yourself positive. 
– Stay away from all types of addiction. Do not do any wrong or immoral work. 
– Eat satvik food. 
– Take great care of cleanliness. Keep your nails, clothes, your sleeping place etc. clean. 

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