America develops hypersonic missile ‘Mako’ to counter Dragon

America has prepared a new problem for China. This problem will become the end of China is a hypersonic missile, which is small, powerful and light. America is going to deploy it on its latest fighter planes. The name of this missile of America is Mako.. This name is named after the fastest swimming shark in the sea.

5 times faster than the speed of sound

Understand the major reason for the threat to China. This missile will be deployed on all US fighter planes, surveillance aircraft, submarines and even warships. This means that now China will be challenged on every front by US hypersonic missiles. America is going to install the fastest missile on its invisible F-35 fighter jets. The Mako hypersonic missile will launch the most lethal attack when combined with the radar-evading aircraft.

Speed ​​of 6 thousand km per hour

The Meko missile can be fired from air, land, sea or even from a submarine under the waves. The biggest strength of the 590 kg missile is its hypersonic speed which can take it to the target in enemy territory within minutes. Hypersonic missiles fly at a speed of more than 6000 kilometers per hour. But America has not revealed the exact speed of the missile.

Most hypersonic missiles can cover a distance of 100 kilometers per minute. However, the speed of Meko can be even higher than this. That means by the time the enemy recovers, the missile attack will be completed. Due to these qualities, this American missile is being considered the biggest preparation against China.

Increased danger for China

Meko’s speed is not the only big threat for China. America has claimed that it will install this missile on all its fighter and surveillance planes. The scientists who made this missile are also preparing its submarine and warship version. This means that China will have to prepare a counter to Meko missile on every front – land, sea and sky. 

Understand China’s problem with an example; it will take only 180 seconds for the Meko missile to reach a target located 300 km away
and detecting and shooting down a missile in such a short time is no less than a difficult challenge.

Missiles will also be deployed on F-35

Claims are being made to install 6 such missiles on America’s fifth generation fighter aircraft F-35. It is very difficult to detect the F-35 aircraft with the help of radar. It is the most advanced aircraft in the world..and after getting the support of Meko, it will become even more dangerous. Meko missiles are small and lightweight as well as powerful and it will not be easy for China to counter this pair.

There is no weapon in the world faster than hypersonic missiles. It is almost impossible to detect and shoot it down with radar. This is why no missile defense system in the world can shoot down these missiles. Hypersonic missiles, which have a speed three times faster than supersonic missiles, cause more damage to any target. 

Trying to get ahead of Russia and China

However, in the race of hypersonic missiles, America is behind its enemies China and Russia. America’s Meko missile has still not been included in its army. Whereas China and Russia have included hypersonic missiles in their army. In the Ukraine war, Russia has used another of its hypersonic missiles Kinzhal and has become the first country to launch a hypersonic attack in war. With the help of the new hypersonic missile, America wants to keep its army number one in the world. But in the hypersonic race, America is still far behind its enemies. 

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