Say no to these foods in rainy season

Raindrops give a lot of relief to the heart and mind, because when monsoon arrives after the scorching heat, humidity and scorching sun, it gives a feeling of relief. Many people like the rainy season because it brings a drop in temperature and the atmosphere becomes pleasant, but rain brings with it many diseases and infections. Therefore, we should take special care of our health during this time, especially it is important to choose food and drink wisely.

Stay away from these foods during rainy season

1. Non-veg foods

In Sanatan Dharma, eating non-veg foods is prohibited in the month of Sawan, but there is a scientific reason behind it, in fact, in the rainy season, the risk of fungal infection, mold and quick rotting of meat increases, because due to lack of direct sunlight, germs breed rapidly.

2. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables should be avoided especially during monsoons, no matter how nutritious they are. Humidity increases a bit during the rainy season which helps germs to breed, which also attack the leafy vegetables and make them unfit for consumption.

3. Yogurt

Curd is very beneficial for our health because it helps in maintaining proper digestion, but it should not be eaten during the rainy season because it is a cold thing, hence eating curd can cause cold and sore throat.

4. Milk

During the rainy season, the number of insects increases significantly and this leads to the growth of dengue-chikungunya mosquitoes, which also makes the milk-giving cattle sick, hence there is a risk of diseases by drinking the milk of these animals.

Disclaimer: We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing this. If you read anything related to your health anywhere, then definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.

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