Breastfeeding is important for newborn and the mother as well, know why

Breastfeeding is a natural process that creates a unique bond between mother and child. It is advisable to feed mother’s milk to the child for a few months after birth. It is believed that mother’s milk is like nectar for the child. It not only fills the stomach of the child but also protects him from diseases and infections.

But the benefits of breastfeeding are not limited to the child only, it also benefits the woman who is breastfeeding. Here you can know about such benefits-

Helpful in weight loss

Did you know that breastfeeding can help in weight loss? Breastfeeding consumes more calories, which helps in reducing the weight gained during pregnancy. Although this is not the only way to lose weight, it can be a good start.

Makes bones stronger
During breastfeeding, women use more calcium from their body. This calcium goes towards the development of the baby’s bones. But, it does not make the mother’s bones weak. Instead, it can help in making bones stronger in the long run and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Reduces the risk of cancer

Women who breastfeed have a lower risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer. It is believed that hormonal changes during breastfeeding reduce the risk of these cancers. Although this does not guarantee complete protection against cancer, it is an important benefit.

Makes you emotionally strong

A special bond is formed between mother and baby during breastfeeding. This bond makes the mother emotionally stronger and can help fight postpartum depression. Oxytocin hormone levels increase during breastfeeding, which helps in reducing stress and providing relaxation.

Beneficial in recovery of delivery pain

Breastfeeding helps the mother’s body recover quickly. It helps the uterus contract and reduces bleeding.

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