South Korean police catches Chinese students taking photos of American warship with drone

South Korean police are investigating three Chinese students for allegedly taking illegal photographs of an American aircraft carrier using a drone, Korean media reported on Wednesday.

According to the Korea JoongAng Daily, the Chinese students were caught flying a drone towards the Naval Operations Command in the southeastern city of Busan on June 25. They are accused of illegally taking photographs of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, which was docked at the base.

The ship reached Busan onĀ 22
June This ship is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of Carrier Strike Group 9. It arrived at Busan Naval Base on 22 June along with destroyers USS Halsey and USS Daniel Inouye for naval exercises of South Korea, the United States and Japan.

Busan police said the suspects were charged with violating the enforcement order of the Protection of Military Bases and Installations Act, which states that anyone caught taking photos of military bases or facilities without permission could face up to three years in prison or a fine of 30 million won (US$21,700).

Busan police said
the suspects were charged with violating the enforcement order of the Protection of Military Bases and Installations Act. It provides that anyone who takes photos of military bases or facilities without permission can be sentenced to three years in prison or a fine of 30 million won (US$21,700).

According to another report on the Chinese website of Yonhap news agency, three Chinese nationals aged between 30 and 49 said their actions were motivated by curiosity. Busan police and local media outlets identified them as students.

The report said the drone captured more than five minutes of footage of the aircraft carrier and the base. According to the outlet, the unauthorized photos were taken on the same day South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol visited the aircraft carrier’s flight deck for an inspection.

The US and South Korea have deep security ties.
This was the first time the USS Theodore Roosevelt made a port call in South Korea. It was also the first visit by an American aircraft carrier in seven months.

As mistrust between China and South Korea has grown in recent years, Seoul has deepened its security ties with the United States and Japan through joint exercises.

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