America and Europe failed, China did what no one could do on Gaza!


The Israel-Hamas war on Gaza is in its 10th month. Ignoring the voice of the international community, Israel has said that it will not stop its military operation until it completely eradicates Hamas’ power from Gaza. On the other hand, Hamas has held hundreds of Israelis hostage and is demanding that it will not release them until Israel withdraws from Gaza. Overall, both sides are not ready to listen to anyone and thousands of innocent and innocent people have lost their lives by becoming victims of the war.

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away from the Middle East, the first news of relief in this matter has come from the Chinese capital Beijing. After a meeting of all the components of Palestine under the patronage of China, it has been agreed that after the war, a government will be formed in which the voices of all the parties will be heard.

This means that Hamas and Fatah groups have agreed to form a government together in Gaza. China’s state TV CCTV confirmed this news and said that Hamas, Fatah and other small parties have agreed to unite for the welfare of Palestine.

Now what is the problem?
With this information coming to light, Israel said that it will not give any kind of recognition to any government in Gaza which will have Hamas. Israel’s Foreign Minister said that it will not accept the power of Hamas and Fatah in Gaza because it will not rest until it completely destroys Hamas. America and Western countries are also with Israel in this matter. They say that until Israel accepts and recognizes any proposal of Hamas joining the Gaza government, they will also not do so.

The second problem is related to the Fatah group. This group rules over the West Bank, a part of Palestine, and many countries, including the US, recognize the Palestine Authority here. Its president is Mahmoud Abbas. The US says that if Israel does not accept Hamas, then the Fatah-led Palestine Authority should be recognized over Gaza as well. Israel does not agree to this either.

The third important thing is that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party has also never been in favour of any kind of power agreement with Hamas. This is why attempts have been made in the past to bring Hamas and Fatah together with the aim of uniting the whole of Palestine, but they have never been effective. 

Who controls Palestine?
One part of Palestine is the Gaza Strip which has been ruled by Hamas for 17 years. Many countries including the US have considered Hamas a terrorist organization. Therefore, the US never recognized this part as the Palestine Authority. On the other hand, a part of Palestine is known as the West Bank. The Fatah Party controls it. The US recognizes it as the Palestine Authority and accepts its leader Mahmoud Abbas as the President of Palestine.  

Fatah Vs Hamas Hamas
was founded in 1987. It is a Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist organization. While the leader of Fatah Group (founded 1959) was Yasser Arafat. In 1969 he became the chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization. Fatah was the largest party in it. He was also the first leader of Palestine National Authority. After his death in 2004, when elections were held in 2006, Hamas won but an agreement for power could not be reached. In 2007, its result came in the form of Hamas’ control over the Gaza Strip.

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