Understand the 5 symptoms of increased LDL cholesterol

Cholesterol is a type of fat flowing in the blood, which is of two types, HDL and LDL. These are also known as good and bad cholesterol according to their nature. If the level of bad i.e. LDL cholesterol starts increasing in the body, then it increases the risk of heart and nervous system related diseases like heart attack, stroke.

The risk of increasing cholesterol increases with age. In such a situation, this article can prove to be very helpful for you to understand whether the level of bad cholesterol in your body is increased or not.

According to the National Institute Of Health, the total cholesterol of a person above the age of 20 should be between 125–200 mg/dl. That is, non-HDL should be less than 130 mg/dl, LDL should be less than 100 mg/dl and HDL should be more than 40-50 mg/dl. This amount of cholesterol can increase or decrease rapidly with increasing age in men and after menopause in women.

Causes of increased LDL cholesterol

The main reason for the increase of LDL cholesterol is unhealthy lifestyle. Apart from this, there is a risk of increase of bad cholesterol in the body due to genes, medical conditions, some types of medicines.

Symptoms of increased bad cholesterol 

Persistent pain in the legs,
excessive sweating,
yellow colour on the eyelids, fat deposition,
chest pain,
stiffness in the muscles

Cholesterol test is necessary after this age

The CDC Recommends that if you are over 20 years of age, you must get a cholesterol checkup done once a year or more often every 4-6 years. This helps in managing the side effects of high cholesterol easily. 

Ways to reduce cholesterol 

To reduce cholesterol, it is most important to improve the diet. In such a situation, adding garlic, lemon, fenugreek, fiber, turmeric leaves in the diet proves to be very helpful. Apart from this, regular physical exercise, minimal consumption of alcohol and cigarettes is also necessary.

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