Eating handful of walnut every day will have great benefits for body!

Walnuts have an important place among dry fruits, which is a good source of good fat, fiber and protein. By changing your eating habits, you can reduce cholesterol through walnuts. Walnuts are rich in nutrients and contain omega-3, fiber and many important nutrients.

Walnuts are rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Walnuts are very good for the brain due to the abundance of nutrients like omega-3. Regular consumption of walnuts can slow down mental decline that occurs with aging. Its consumption improves memory power.

Walnuts contain a higher amount of polyunsaturated fats than other nuts. The most abundant of these is an omega-6 fatty acid, called linoleic acid. Walnuts also contain a high percentage of the healthy omega-3 fat alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). In fact, walnuts are the only dry fruit that contains a significant amount of ALA. ALA is considered particularly beneficial for heart health. It also helps reduce inflammation and improve fat composition in the blood, which is directly related to the prevention of heart disease.

A good breakfast option
You can eat walnuts as breakfast, which also maintains your diet. Consuming walnuts in the right quantity does not lead to weight gain. Due to the rich presence of fiber, walnuts are also considered beneficial for digestion. Walnuts are also considered very beneficial for reducing blood pressure. Walnut oil is rich in medicinal properties for the skin. It is also considered effective for the treatment of wounds. Vitamin-E found in walnuts helps in preventing many problems like wrinkles, skin loosening.

Eating walnuts is considered a guarantee of good sleep
. A healthy person should consume walnuts along with other dry fruits to maintain better health. Like other dry fruits, walnuts should also be consumed in a balanced amount. Because walnuts contain a lot of calories due to high fat. Therefore, excessive consumption of walnuts can cause problems like weight gain.

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