For good health, stay away from these ‘white venoms’

White foods to avoid: Our doctors often advise us to take a healthy diet, but in the pursuit of good taste, we end up harming ourselves. According to India’s famous nutrition expert Nikhil Vats, if we eat many such white foods in our daily life, then it can spoil our health badly. Let us know which white foods we should stay away from.

1. Refined flour

When the flour is ground very finely, it takes the form of refined flour. It is used in making puri, samosa, namak pare and many fried items. Refined flour is not good for our digestion at all, apart from this it increases the risk of obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

2. Refined Sugar

The white sugar commonly used at home is called refined sugar. We use it without any concern in sweets, tea, kheer and even sherbet, but it causes obesity, diabetes, cancer, hormonal imbalance and heart diseases.

3. White rice

The white rice that we eat every day at home can spoil our health. It contains a lot of calories and carbs and the body does not get enough nutrition from it. It is better that you can eat brown rice instead.

4. White salt

According to health standards, we should eat only 4 grams of salt in a day, but we use it a lot in food items in daily life. The sodium present in it causes high blood pressure and heart disease. Also, it is not good for asthma patients. Use pink salt instead.

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