Natural way to control blood sugar, these 5 yogasanas are more effective than injections and medicines

Yoga For Diabetes: Diabetes can soon take the form of an epidemic. The reason for this is today’s lifestyle. In such a situation, yoga can prove to be an effective solution to control this disease and reduce its symptoms. It has been proved in many studies that doing yoga daily helps in controlling blood sugar. Here we are telling you about 5 such yoga, which can prove to be a panacea in diabetes-


Method- To do Shirshasana, first sit down by bending your knees. Then, place your head on the yoga mat and join the hands behind the head. Slowly lift your legs upwards and keep the body straight.

Benefits- Shirshasana improves blood pressure in the body, which improves the functioning of the pancreas. This asana stimulates insulin production and helps control blood sugar.


Method- To do Vajrasana, sit on your knees and place your buttocks on your heels. Keep your feet parallel and keep your hands on your knees.

Benefits- Vajrasana strengthens the digestive system and removes problems like constipation. It also helps in controlling the blood sugar level in the body.


Method- To do Bhujangasana, lie down on your stomach and keep your hands under your shoulders. Slowly raise your chest and bend your head backwards.

Benefits- Bhujangasana stimulates the digestive system and improves liver function. This asana also helps in controlling blood sugar levels and increasing insulin sensitivity.


Method- To do Padhastasan, stand up and slowly bend forward. Try to reach your hands to your toes and take a deep breath.

Benefits- Padhastasan improves the digestive system and increases the flexibility of the body. This asana also helps in reducing blood sugar levels and weight loss.


Method- To do Sarvangasana, lie down on your back and slowly raise your legs. Place your hands under your back for support and keep your body straight.

Benefits- Sarvangasana improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and pancreas. This asana helps in controlling blood sugar levels and relaxes the body.

Disclaimer: This news has been written only to make you aware. We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing this. If you read anything related to your health anywhere, then definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.

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