Ukraine attacks Russia like 9/11

Ukraine Drone Attack on Russia:  Amid the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, Ukraine has carried out the biggest attack on Russia so far. Ukraine has shocked the world by attacking with a drone in the Saratov region of Russia. Ukraine has attacked on the lines of 9/11 in the Saratov area of ​​Russia. Ukraine has attacked several multi-storey buildings one after the other with drones and the drone has collided with the building. Let us tell you that Ukraine has been continuously attacking Russia with drones for the last few days.

Ukraine’s attack on Russia could backfire

Till now Russia has been continuously attacking Ukraine, but this retaliation by Ukraine has told the world that Russia cannot win this war unilaterally. However, after this attack, experts say that this can prove to be costly for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Russia can launch a major attack.

Last week Ukraine fired 45 drones at Russia

Ukraine also attacked Russia last week and fired 45 drones. This is the first time Ukraine has carried out such a big attack on Russia since the war began in 2022. However, Russia destroyed all the drones of Ukraine. The Russian Defense Ministry had said that Moscow destroyed 45 drones of Ukraine. It said that 11 drones were destroyed over the Moscow region, 23 drones were destroyed in the Bryansk region, six in Belgorod, three in Kaluga and two in the Kursk region

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