‘If Muslim rule comes, we will destroy Indian temples like Ghaznavi’, threatens Pakistani fundamentalist

Zaid Hamid Pakistan News: Pakistani TV host Zaid Hamid, who spews venom against India, has once again made an inflammatory statement about Ghazwa-e-Hind. A video of him is going viral on social media. In this, he says, ‘Understand very well about Ghazwa-e-Hind that this will be a very terrifying war.’ This person, seen wearing a red cap in TV debates, keeps spewing venom against Hindus.

It is not known when the video is from, but the things Zaid has said are definitely bringing out the mentality of Pakistanis. Many people, including Madhu Purnima Kishwar, who has written a book on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, have shared this video. 

Zaid’s propaganda against Hindus

Zaid Hamid says, ‘This very dreadful war will go on for many years. This is a war in which once… the last time when India will come under the control of Muslims, then it will remain with us. The last race of those who were idol worshippers is left only in Hind. Nowhere in the entire Muslim world do you find such Mushrik (polytheists) as you find in Hind… This is the same race that had kept idols inside Kaaba, now they have kept the same idols and thousands of idols and Gods like that in India.’

Name and description of Mahmud Ghaznavi…

He further said, ‘Once again all these idols will be destroyed. All the temples will be destroyed in the same way as Mahmud Ghaznavi destroyed the Somnath temple and others. Now idol worship will be completely eradicated. Obviously this war will be horrific. It is not a one day war.’

Many Indians, after listening to this Pakistani with a red cap, called him mentally ill. One user has written that how can anyone talk about destroying a civilization in today’s time. Many Indians have expressed anger. 

Who is Zaid Hamid?

– Zaid Hamid calls himself a strategic security expert of Pakistan. He is considered close to ISI. 

– Zaid says that he has fought in the Soviet-Afghan war. He is in favour of Islamic rule. The fundamentalist and the one who speaks against Hindus is seen wearing a red cap in front of the camera. 

– He talks against India every day. Be it inciting the issue of Khalistan or portraying Hindus as weak, he spreads his propaganda on social media.

– Instead of focusing on the destruction and devastation of Pakistan, it keeps a close watch on the happenings in every city of India and keeps trying to mislead the Muslims living in India. 

– When the democratic government fell in Bangladesh, Zaid Hamid said that now the time has come to form an Islamic government. 

– When India’s Chandrayaan landed on the moon, Hamid had said that these clips were taken from a video game. It was not surprising to see that the educated host of this program was Abdul Basit, who was the High Commissioner of Pakistan in Delhi

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