When kids insist on mobile, laptop and TV, what options do parents have?

Mobile Addiction: In today’s digital age, children are rapidly getting addicted to gadgets like mobile, laptop, and TV. These things have become common from school to home, and this is the reason why children are now spending more time in front of the screen, but when children insist on these gadgets, it becomes a challenging task for parents to control it. Let us know how this problem can be solved.

1. Alternatives Offline Activities

When children insist on mobile or TV, parents can keep them busy in offline activities. Activities like sports, painting, drawing, gardening, or reading books can help divert children’s attention from mobile. These activities will not only increase children’s creativity but will also help in their physical development.

2. Time limits and digital detox

Parents should set time limits to control screen time for children. A rule can be made as to how long children should be allowed to watch mobile, laptop, or TV in a day. Along with this, set a day for digital detox when the whole family spends time without any gadget. During this time, give preference to family outings, games, or other indoor activities.

3. Watch educational content

If children insist on watching mobile, laptop or TV, then parents can motivate them to watch educational content. There are many educational apps and programs for children that can help in increasing their knowledge and teaching new skills. Apart from this, parents can also watch these educational programs sitting with the children, which can further improve the child’s learning experience.

4. Role modeling

Children learn a lot from their parents’ behavior. If parents themselves avoid excessive use of mobile or TV, then children will also follow it. Parents should use gadgets in a limited and healthy way in front of their children. This will help children develop a positive attitude towards gadgets. Read books in front of children so that children will also be motivated to do the same.

5. Open communication

It is very important to talk to children openly. Tell them what effect staying in front of the screen for a long time can have on their eyes, mental and physical health. By giving them information about the harms of gadgets, you can inspire them to give up their stubbornness.

6. Routine and discipline

It is important to set a routine for children that includes time for studies, sports, and screen time. This will teach children the value of time and will also bring discipline in their lives.

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