Breast cancer can be detected 5 years earlier through AI

How AI Can Detect Breast Cancer: Nowadays artificial intelligence is being used in many fields around the world, so how can the medical field be left behind. Now researchers will detect breast cancer formation in the future through AI. This is a matter of happiness for those women who are afraid of this disease. In such a situation, many people can be saved from breast cancer.

AI will detect breast cancer

Dr. Manan Vora told through a video on his Instagram account, “Now with the help of AI model, breast cancer can be detected 5 years before it develops. Currently, mammography is the most effective way to detect breast cancer, but it is missed 20 percent of the time, due to which cancer is detected in the late stage.”

‘Mirai’ will bring revolution

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US have developed an AI solution named ‘Mirai’. This is a complex neural network built like a chat GPT, it has been reported that it can detect breast cancer 1 to 5 years before it occurs.

How does this AI work?

– Mammograms are used by human technicians or doctors.
– It analyzes the Mirai image encoder so that the AI ​​can read it.
– It looks at the difference between the two breasts and also analyzes many other traditional factors.
– Using this information, it detects the risk of breast cancer in the patient for the next 5 years.

‘Deaths from breast cancer will decrease’

Dr. Manan Vohra said, “This is exciting news because breast cancer is the most common cancer in India, accounting for 28.2 percent of all cancers in women. Apart from ‘Mirai’, other AI models have recently detected 20 percent more cancers than radiologists when 80 thousand mammograms were studied. That is, we are standing on the threshold of a major breakthrough. It is the development of screening and treatment through which deaths due to breast cancer have reduced by 43 percent in the last 3 decades. And in the coming time, such cases will reduce even more.”

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