Drinking more water than required can cause water poisoning

To stay healthy, it is very important to drink eight to ten glasses of water daily. Because adequate water in the body is very important. On the other hand, if there is a shortage of water, many types of problems start occurring in the body. Skin starts getting dry, kidney and liver related problems start occurring. On the other hand, if more water is drunk than the body’s requirement, it can lead to water poisoning.

According to media reports, a case of water poisoning has come to light in Texas. Here a 74-year-old man named John Putnam has a habit of drinking a lot of water and one day after drinking too much water, he started experiencing symptoms like a heart attack.

According to media reports, he started feeling very tired and nauseous at night. After this, he started having trouble breathing and started having chest pain. All these symptoms are of a heart attack.

Putnam was immediately admitted to the hospital. However, it was later found that he did not have a heart attack, but water poisoning. The doctor said that water poisoning is caused by drinking too much water and it leads to sodium deficiency.

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