That corner of the earth from where the space station is very close

There are many wonders on earth and one such strange place is Point Nemo. Point Nemo is the most remote and deserted place on earth where no human lives for thousands of kilometers. Rather, the closest neighbors of this place are the astronauts living in the space station.

Nemo Point is a place located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean where there are no humans, no animals and no vegetation. No living creature lives for hundreds of kilometers from this place.

This place is so far from human settlements that its nearest neighbour is not on Earth but in space. The International Space Station is just 400 kilometres away from this place, while humans living on Earth are at least 2,700 kilometres away, which is an island. That is, the distance from this place to the space station is so short that even if you go by train, you will reach there in just a few hours. 

At this place, satellites that have been damaged in space are dropped. According to reports, about 200 satellites have been dropped here so far. Whereas this place was discovered only in 1992. No one goes here or lives here. Only scientists go there occasionally for research.
Many satellites are buried in this part of the ocean. The debris of satellites is spread thousands of kilometers away.

Point Nemo is not owned by any one country. Rather, countries from all over the world use it to destroy their damaged satellites. However, this place is located between South America, Australia and New Zealand. 

Another special thing about Point Nemo is that mysterious sounds keep coming from here. On one hand there is deep silence here and sometimes terrifying loud sounds are heard. It is even said that these are sounds from another world.
Finally, after a long research, scientists have solved this mystery. These sounds are produced due to the breaking of large ice rocks. The frequency produced when the ice breaks becomes this sound and gives a terrifying feeling amidst the deep silence.

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