UK Riots: 3 nights, 39 hideouts… How fire is being set in Britain

Britain riots: A large part of Britain is burning in the fire of hate violence. For about a week, there has been a riot in many cities of Britain. Somewhere there is stabbing and somewhere policemen are being attacked. City by city, street by street. There is a state of vandalism and arson. But it seems that this violence, this hate fight has reached a decisive point. And that is why it is being said that last night was long and heavy for London. 

In Britain, the anger against immigrants and refugees is at its peak. Local people are holding these people responsible for the increase in the crime graph of the country including London, in such a situation, the local people have announced to attack the neighborhoods of minorities by wearing masks.

Attack alert in London

There is news that attacks are going to happen at about 30 places in London tonight. It is being told that the masked attackers are going to silently attack 39 places. London police has intercepted the chats of some WhatsApp groups, through which efforts are being made to incite the mob. There is a plan to attack some specific locations. But in the meantime the question is arising that who are the attackers. And who is being planned to be attacked. 

‘If we don’t stop them, they will keep coming, immigrants are no longer tolerated’

It is written in that group chat- ‘If you do not stop them, they will keep coming. Immigrants are no longer tolerated.’ This means that a campaign has been launched against immigrants in London. Tonight, the local residents are going to attack the places of immigrants. Not just tonight. But the plan of attack is ready for the next three days. There are also preparations to attack the places of immigration lawyers. And for this attack, an appeal has been made to come wearing a mask.

This means that now a war between immigrants vs local residents has started in the whole of Britain including London. A large number of Muslims live in London. Local residents have been opposing them for a long time. And finally when the dam of patience broke, the people of London have declared war. 

Niqab Vs Hijab in London

After finding out about the planning of the attack, the police has decided to take precautions in 39 places where a big attack can take place. In such a situation, the security of these areas has been increased. Anti-riot police has been deployed at every corner. But the question arises whether the police will be able to stop this anger of the public. See where people are confused and worried.

This clash between locals and immigrants has been going on for the past seven days. But understand where it started. Actually, violence is taking place in Britain after the clash between anti-immigration protesters and counter protesters after the murder of three girls in North-West England. So far, about 400 people involved in the violence have been arrested. Apart from this, 600 jails have been kept ready.

This means that the police and the government have also understood that the anger against immigrants among the local people is not going to subside soon. But at this time, everyone is not only afraid of tonight, but the next 72 hours are going to be tough for London.

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