Know why bike battery gets discharged again and again

Frequent discharge of bike battery can be a common problem, and there can be many possible reasons behind it. Here are some common causes and ways to avoid them:

Excessive Power Consumption:

Mistakes: If you use bike lights, horn, and other electrical accessories for a long time, the battery may discharge quickly.

Remedy: Use these devices only when needed and do not keep them on unnecessarily.

Malfunction of the charging system:

Faults: If the bike’s charging system is not working properly, the battery does not get fully charged.
Remedy: Get the charging system checked from time to time and make sure it is working properly.

Battery life and wear:

Faults: Older batteries have reduced capacity and may discharge faster.
Remedy: Check the age of the battery and replace it if it is old.

Problem in the wiring:

Faults: Any short-circuit or fault in the wiring can cause the battery to discharge quickly.
Remedy: Get the bike’s wiring checked regularly and ensure there are no short-circuits or connection problems.

Not using the bike for a long time:

Mistakes: If the bike is not ridden for a long time, the battery may discharge naturally.
Remedy: If you are not going to use the bike for a long time, keep the battery charged by starting it from time to time.

Dirty and corroded battery terminals:

Fault: Dirt or corrosion on the battery terminals can cause improper connection and battery discharge.
Remedy: Clean the battery terminals periodically and ensure they are corrosion-free.

Lack of proper care:

Mistakes: Lack of regular care and maintenance of the battery can cause it to deteriorate quickly.
Remedy: Take regular care of the battery, charge it properly and consult an expert when needed. By
avoiding these common mistakes and taking proper care, you can increase the life of your bike’s battery and avoid the problem of frequent discharge.

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