Risk Index: If Trump becomes President again, will he suppress China and Germany?

Donald Trump, who is desperate to become the ‘policeman of the world’ once again, gets angry very quickly. He gets agitated over trivial matters. Trump is short tempered. After removing Biden from the target race, he may be asking for votes like an elite, but everyone knows that Trump is also infamous for his short temper.

Will the American public elect him again or not? Apart from this, now the discussion is going on that if Trump wins, will the world order be affected and if yes, then how much will it affect which country? According to the report of ‘The Economist’, many American industrialists are groaning at the mere thought of Trump’s victory, while about a dozen countries are also under stress. Everyone shivers at the thought that if Trump comes to power again, he might ruin them.

Concerns of these two countries increased in the Risk Index, Mexico is trembling!

The Economic Intelligence Unit has prepared a ranking of 70 countries on the basis of risk. They have named it the Trump Risk Index. This index is based on the risk of countries towards US policies on trade, security, immigration. According to this list, if Trump wins, his eyes may turn towards China and Germany. A trade war may break out with China once again, while in 2024, Germany may also be burdened with duty charges along with China.

Trump can take some more strict decisions regarding Germany and China. A new tariff war can start in the world. Anyway, Trump has already threatened to impose 60% duty this time. Mexico has its own tension, it feels that due to strict immigration rules, the dream of its people to enter America can be shattered.

The countries whose people enter America through illegal means are also worried, because in the last term, Trump had erected a barbed wall to stop infiltration from neighboring countries.

Trump can also impose new sanctions on countries in the risk index. He can also ask for money from his friendly countries in exchange for providing security. Just as in his first term, Trump had pressurised NATO countries like a moneylenders to pay his dues. He can openly ask for money in exchange for providing security.

Even though the results of the US presidential election are still a few months away, thousands of people are already wishing for Trump’s defeat. Especially the people of Ukraine and immigrants and refugees from many other countries of the world are wholeheartedly praying for Trump’s defeat. They fear that if the Republican Party leader Trump wins, the hopes of many people to live and settle in America will be shattered.

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