5 sings for a green flag spouse

The foundation of any relationship is based on respect and trust. In such a situation:

1- If your partner respects your opinions, supports your decisions and trusts you completely, then you are dating a great person.

2- If you are able to communicate openly with your partner, you can share any of your problems or happiness without any hesitation, then your partner is perfect for you.

3- If your partner celebrates your successes and supports you in difficult times. He accepts your shortcomings and helps you to become better, then you can spend your entire life with him.

4- Your partner is honest with you and there are no secrets between you two. If he does not hide anything from you then you are dating a green flag partner.

5- Your partner never insults you or makes you feel small. He respects your choices and accepts you as you are, so you will not find a better partner than him.

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