5 green leaves are no less effective than statins for LDL cholesterol

If the level of bad cholesterol in the body has increased, then it is a warning of heart disease. Cholesterol is a kind of sticky wax-like fat, which is present in the blood vessels. In such a situation, when its quantity starts increasing, the blood circulation in the body starts deteriorating. Due to this, the heart has to work very hard to pump blood, which causes life-threatening diseases like heart attack, stroke.

Many types of symptoms can be seen when cholesterol increases in the body. These mainly include nausea, numbness of hands and feet, fatigue, shortness of breath, yellow fat appearing on the eyelids. Although statin medicine is very common to control increased cholesterol. But even without this, dirty fat can be cleaned from the blood vessels. Let’s know how-

Home Remedies to Lower LDL Cholesterol

Moringa leaves

Moringa leaves have properties that reduce total cholesterol. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements present in it help prevent the arteries from getting clogged. These leaves can be boiled or eaten as chutney.

Basil leaves

Medicinal properties are found in abundance in basil leaves. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help in reducing cholesterol. You can drink basil leaves by extracting juice or by making tea.

Leaves of the Neem tree

Neem leaves have many medicinal properties. They help in controlling cholesterol levels. You can get benefits by extracting juice from neem leaves or drinking boiled water.

Curry leaf

Curry leaves are rich in fiber and antioxidants. They help in reducing cholesterol. You can include curry leaves in your everyday diet.

Fenugreek leaves

Fiber and other nutrients are found in fenugreek leaves which help in reducing cholesterol. Fenugreek leaves can be used by extracting juice or as a vegetable.

Keep these things in mind

Before consuming these leaves, definitely consult a doctor. Pregnant women, lactating women and people suffering from any disease should consult a doctor before consuming it. Along with consuming these leaves, follow a balanced diet, regular exercise and a stress-free lifestyle.

Disclaimer: We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing this. If you read anything related to your health anywhere, then definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.

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