4 amazing benefits of eating red bananas

Reading about red banana, some people must be surprised. Is there such a banana? Yes, there is a red banana. In India, there is a trend of eating green and yellow bananas, but these days red bananas are also being seen in the market.

Although they are mostly produced in Australia, West Indies, Mexico and America, but its cultivation has started in India as well. Red banana is being cultivated here in Karnataka. It is said about this banana that it is more nutritious than green and yellow bananas. So let’s know about its benefits:

Benefits of eating red bananas 

1. Increases fertility power in men: 
Red bananas are rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C. Due to this, it works to boost fertility power and libido. Apart from this, they contain zinc, which increases fertility in men and also regulates testosterone hormone. Zinc helps in prostate health and increases energy in men. 

2. Improves eyesight: 
Being rich in lutein and beta-carotenoids, red banana helps in preventing age-related eye problems.

3. Panacea for skin: 
Red bananas contain vitamin C and carotenoids, which stop aging. Vitamin C promotes collagen production. This makes both skin and hair beautiful. It is especially effective for men who are at risk of baldness. Due to collagen, the skin remains tight and the signs of age are also not visible. If you eat it daily, wrinkles will disappear from the face.

4. Purifies the blood: 

Last but not the least, red banana purifies blood. It is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which work to increase the level of hemoglobin and iron. Apart from this, the amount of vitamin B6 helps in breaking down proteins and making red blood cells. By eating it, diseases like anemia are cured very quickly. Eating it also increases stamina.  

When should you eat red banana? 
It is important to keep in mind the time to eat it. Because it gives its full benefits only when eaten in the right way and on time. The best time to eat red banana is 6 am. If you are not able to eat it at this time, then eat it between 11 am and 4 pm. You should avoid eating this banana after eating food. Doing this will make you lazy. You will feel heavy and you will not be able to get the benefits of the nutrients present in it.  

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